Rate Sheet
Let us do the legwork.
High-quality services at reasonable rates.
Over 45 Years of Experience
Since 1976, doc.u.search has provided high-quality services at reasonable rates. As our fees are based upon the task involved and the agency/office accessed, please call for a formal quote. We will advance required fees to secure copies and comply with statutory requirements in each jurisdiction. We offer attractive discounts for volume searches.
We value your business! With over 45 years of experience in providing our clients with public information, we know you will find our services valuable. Let us do the legwork in getting these items for you, freeing you to dedicate your time to matters requiring your personal expertise.
Please feel free to contact us for more information about our services and rates.
Mary-Lou Cook
Georgette M. Kent
Office Manager
Our Rates
New Hampshire
Secretary of State
UCC Search- $20.00
UCC Filing- $20.00
Apostilles- $25.00
Corporate Information Report- $25.00
Corporate Filing Service- $25.00
Corporate Document Retrieval- $25.00
Corporate Name Availability- $25.00
Agent for Service of Process- $99.00/year
Miscellaneous Services
NH Vital Records- $40.00
NH Supreme Court- $40.00
US District Court- $40.00
US Bankruptcy Court- $40.00
Town/City Searches- $40.00
NH County Searches
Litigation Search- $40.00
Real Estate-Current Owner Searches;
Abstracts- $60 – $80
> Residential $60.00
> Commercial $80.00
Please Note:
Additional fees will be charged for statutory disbursements. Please ask for a quote!
We provide services in all jurisdictions, in all states – NATIONWIDE
New England
Secretary of State
UCC Search- $40.00
UCC Filing- $40.00
Corporate Information Report- $40.00
Corporate Name Availability- $40.00
Corporate Document Retrieval- $40.00
Corporate Filing Service- $40.00
Miscellaneous Services
State Vital Records- $40.00
US District Court- $40.00
US Bankruptcy Court- $40.00
Town/City Searches- $40.00
Real Estate Searches- $40.00
Please call for a comprehensive quote on any assignment. This would include turn-around time and anticipated billing.
All Other States Nationwide
Services as outlined above: Base fee of $40/search
The above fees are per name searched and do not reflect copy, fax or other statutory charges. Normal turn-around time is 4-48 hours, depending on the jurisdiction involved. Please call us, send an email or use our orderform and get a quote!